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Keep Your Invisalign Aligners in Good Shape with These Easy Tips

September 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcarenh @ 5:09 pm

Happy young woman holding two Invisalign alignersYou may have chosen to get Invisalign because the aligner trays are discreet and convenient. This treatment is designed to fit into even the most active and busy lifestyles! However, in order for Invisalign to be truly successful, you need to do your part. It is important that you keep your aligners in good shape so they can effectively reposition your teeth. Here are some easy and practical tips to help you accomplish that:

Regularly Rinse Your Aligners

Rinsing your aligners regularly helps to prevent saliva from building up on them and hardening, which could lead to discoloration and odors. Try to make it your habit to rinse your trays whenever you are about to place them on your teeth.

Clean Your Aligners Each Night

Even if you have the good habit of rinsing your aligners multiple times a day, that is not an excuse to neglect a thorough cleaning each night. Use a soft brush and mild soap to gently scrub all your aligners’ surfaces. You should also soak them once a day; many people choose to use Invisalign cleaning crystals to do so.

Keep Your Mouth Clean

It is well-known that oral hygiene is essential for the health of your teeth and gums, but its importance goes beyond that. It is also invaluable for your Invisalign aligners! If you do not thoroughly brush and floss your teeth, bacteria from your mouth could transfer onto your aligners. Over time, this might cause your Invisalign to smell bad or lose its discreet appearance. Make it your goal to attend to your oral hygiene after each meal so your aligners are always on clean teeth.

Store Your Aligners Securely

The only times you should remove your aligners from your mouth is when you are eating or taking care of your oral hygiene. During these brief periods, you should store your Invisalign somewhere safe. For example, you should not wrap them in a napkin at mealtimes (they might accidentally get tossed in the trash). You should also not place them where a young child or curious pet might be able to access them.

Mind Your Eating and Drinking Habits

It is perfectly fine to sip plain water while your aligners are in your mouth, but that is the only thing you should consume while wearing Invisalign. Drinking or eating anything else could stain or warp your aligners.

Talk to Your Dentist if You Have Questions or Concerns

Your dentist and their team want you to enjoy successful and easy Invisalign treatment. You should feel free to call them if you ever have questions or concerns about how to care for your trays or anything else that relates to your teeth-straightening journey.

Taking good care of Invisalign trays is not difficult. Use the tips in this article to reduce the risk of mishaps throughout your treatment.

Meet the Practice

At the Center for Contemporary Dentistry, we are proud to provide Invisalign and a range of other services to our community. If you are interested in straightening your teeth, we would be happy to answer your questions and get started on designing your treatment plan. To learn more about how we may be able to serve you, contact our Belmont, NH, office at 603-556-7047.

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