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Center for Contemporary Dentistry Blog

Problems Solved by Porcelain Veneers

September 15, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:26 pm

Porcelain veneers can solve numerous cosmetic dental problems in the same treatment, so you have fewer visits to the dentist’s office to get the results you want. You may be able to avoid undergoing a series of treatments, and have all of your problems solved in two office visits. Porcelain veneers can also be used in addition other procedures if you need work more extensive than what veneers alone can accomplish.


What are Porcelain Veneers?

September 1, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcarenh @ 6:29 pm

Porcelain veneers are a very popular choice in cosmetic dentistry because they are so versatile and can accomplish so much with so little time and effort. The concept is simple. A veneer is just a very thin shell of porcelain that is bonded to the front surface of your tooth. Because it is made of porcelain, it looks like real tooth enamel. Because it is bonded to your tooth, it is very strong and durable. Typically, veneers are used to cover anywhere from two or three to a group eight teeth.

Solving Multiple Issues in One Minimally Invasive Treatment

By choosing porcelain veneers, you may be able to avoid undergoing multiple procedures. Porcelain veneers can correct the appearance of chipped teeth, cracks, gaps, minor crookedness, unevenly sized teeth, and more. The procedure itself is minimally invasive, requiring only that the enamel be prepared to receive the veneers before they are placed. It is all done in just two office visits.


Why are Porcelain Veneers referred to as “Instant Orthodontics”?

August 15, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcarenh @ 6:37 pm

Porcelain veneers are sometimes referred to as instant orthodontics because they can be used to correct the appearance of minor crookedness. Veneers do not actually straighten your teeth, but they can make them look straight without the hassle and time commitment of wearing braces or using Invisalign. In addition, you get the benefit of correcting the appearance of other dental flaws such as discoloration and unevenly sized teeth.


Maintaining the Results of Teeth Whitening

August 1, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcarenh @ 6:39 pm

After teeth whitening, your teeth can quickly become stained again if you do not take some basic steps to maintain the results. Consuming staining foods and drinks, and tobacco use, all contribute to the discoloration of your teeth, so you will want to minimize these activities, but a few changes in your habits can help you extend the results without having to give up staining substances entirely.

Staining Foods and Beverages


Partial Dentures

July 15, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcarenh @ 7:12 pm

A partial denture is an option for replacing a missing tooth or group of teeth. A partial contains artificial teeth made of dental porcelain. You take it out to clean it like full dentures. For some patients a partial is the best choice, but some patients may be happier with a fixed bridge or dental implants, because partials have some drawbacks. Your cosmetic dentist can help you decide which type of tooth replacement is best for you.

Partial vs. Fixed Bridge

A fixed bridge is similar to a partial, but it is permanent fixed in place. A partial must be removed and cleaned like dentures. It can slip and rub, causing discomfort, and you may not be able to eat all of your favorite foods. You will need to be refitted for your partial and have it replaced every few years.

A fixed bridge stays in place, and you clean and care for it like your natural teeth. It will not slip and rub, and you will not have to replace it on a regular basis. There is no risk of losing a fixed bridge, and it is more convenient than a partial.

A fixed bridge can be anchored to the adjacent teeth with crowns, or it can be anchored with dental implants.

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