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Invisalign® – Belmont, NH

Convenient and Discreet Orthodontic Treatment

Woman with attractive smile after using Invisalign in Belmont

Misaligned teeth are unsightly, but even more than that, they can pose a threat to your oral health. If your teeth are not in their proper positions, you should certainly take time to learn about the orthodontic treatments that are available to you. One popular teeth-straightening method is Invisalign® in Belmont, which spares patients from many of the hassles that come with traditional metal braces. The team at the Center for Contemporary Dentistry is proud to offer this remarkable and convenient treatment.

Why Choose the Center for Contemporary Dentistry for Invisalign®?

How Invisalign® Works

Young woman with brown hair holding Invisalign aligner

Whereas traditional braces use metal brackets and wires to apply gentle pressure to the teeth, Invisalign® uses a series of custom clear aligners to accomplish the same purpose. You wear each aligner for 20 – 22 hours each day for about two weeks before you move onto the next aligner in your series. Each aligner moves your teeth just a little, and when you have worked your way through your entire series, each of your teeth should be in its proper place.

Who Can Invisalign Help?

Illustration of Invisalign being used to correct crooked teeth

Invisalign is able to address most cases of mild to moderate dental misalignment. When you come in for your consultation, we will evaluate the positioning of your teeth and your dental health so we can determine for sure whether Invisalign is a good fit for your circumstances. We may also learn a bit about your general lifestyle and habits. Here are a few examples of orthodontic issues that Invisalign can often be used to correct:

Crowded Teeth

In addition to adversely affecting the aesthetics of your mouth, crowded teeth tend to trap food between them and are at a heightened risk of decay and breakage. They are also quite challenging to keep clean. Invisalign, along with possible extractions, can usually shift the teeth so they each have enough space to function well.

Gaps Between Teeth

Gaps between the teeth are unsightly, and they may make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. Even more importantly, extra space between teeth leaves your gums vulnerable to damage. Invisalign may be able to move your teeth closer together, leading to a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing smile.


A slight overbite is both natural and normal, but if your top teeth rest too far in front of your bottom teeth, you may need a bite correction. Otherwise, you might suffer from speech issues, jaw pain, and other difficulties. Invisalign, usually along with special accessories, is often able to correct mild and moderate overbites.


An underbite occurs when the bottom teeth rest in front of the top teeth. This can adversely affect facial aesthetics and endanger your oral health. You may be at a greater risk of dental damage, speech problems, and more. Invisalign, potentially with the help of rubber bands and other attachments, can correct many cases of underbite.


If only some of your bottom teeth rest in front of your top teeth, you have what is known as a crossbite. This issue is associated with an increased risk of broken teeth, speech problems, and other unpleasant challenges. Fortunately, Invisalign clear aligners are valuable for addressing many instances of crossbite.

Open Bite

If there is a vertical gap between your upper and lower front teeth when your mouth is at rest, you have an open bite. This issue may adversely affect your ability to bite, chew, and speak with clarity. Invisalign is usually able to bring the top and bottom teeth together, effectively closing an open bite and improving oral function.

The Benefits of Invisalign®

Smiling woman enjoying the many benefits of Invisalign

Some of the most outstanding benefits of Invisalign® include:

How Much Does Invisalign® Cost?

Person in white shirt holding Invisalign aligner against neutral background

The cost of Invisalign® varies from case to case and depends largely on the number of aligners that a patient requires. When you visit us for your free consultation, your dentist in Belmont will examine your mouth and start planning your treatment. Then, we will be able to provide you with a cost estimate. We will also help you explore your payment options. We often offer specials on Invisalign® to help our patients afford it.

Are you ready to learn more about Invisalign® and how it may be able to help you? Contact our team today to schedule a consultation. 

Invisalign FAQs

If you are eager to straighten your teeth, our Belmont team is ready to assist you. When you attend your consultation, we will be pleased to answer all your questions. In the meantime, you might want to do some reading on your own to learn more about the path in front of you. Below, you will find answers to some relevant FAQs about Invisalign.

What Does Invisalign Look Like?

Invisalign is sometimes marketed as being “invisible,” but that is not quite accurate. When the aligners are on your teeth, they may make your teeth look a bit bigger than usual, and your teeth may seem like they have a film on them. However, your aligners are unlikely to be the first thing that other people notice about your smile.

Some patients require attachments for their Invisalign aligners. These attachments are not transparent. However, since they are usually placed toward the back of the mouth, there is no need to be too worried that they will ruin the aesthetics of your smile.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

On average, Invisalign treatment takes 12 months. Of course, your case may require more or less time. If your dental misalignment is relatively simple and you comply with all treatment instructions, you might see final results in as little as 6 months or so. If your case is more complex, treatment could take 18 months or longer.

Even if your Invisalign will take a year or longer, you can expect the time to fly by. Plus, it is worth remembering that Invisalign usually takes significantly less time than traditional metal braces.

Does Invisalign Hurt?

Invisalign aligners are made of a patented plastic material that is designed to offer the right mix of durability and comfort. They have smooth edges that rest comfortably against the soft tissues in the mouth.

With that being said, it is worth mentioning that orthodontic treatment works because it applies continuous pressure to the teeth. As you may imagine, that can cause some discomfort, especially when you first start wearing an aligner. Taking painkillers and sipping on cool water can help you to get through the adjustment period. We also suggest that you start wearing a new aligner at night so you can sleep through your first several hours of wearing it.

What Happens After Invisalign?

After you have worked your way through all your aligners, our team will verify that your results are satisfactory. Then, we will provide you with a retainer. The purpose of a retainer is to hold your teeth in place so they do not drift back into their former positions.

At first, you may need to wear your retainer full-time (20 – 22 hours each day). Eventually, though, you might be able to wear it only at night. After several months, you may need to use it for just a few nights each week. If it ever starts to feel too tight, that is a sign you are not wearing it enough.

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