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Traditional Braces – Belmont, NH

The Tried and True Way to Straighten Teeth

Close-up of woman’s smile with traditional braces in Belmont

Dental misalignment can adversely affect your facial aesthetics and pose a threat to your oral health. If your teeth are not in their proper places, it would certainly be worth your time to consult with a professional about your orthodontic options. You might end up getting traditional braces in Belmont. This tried and true treatment has helped generations of patients — and it may be able to help you as well. If you are interested in learning more about it, reach out to our team today.


How Do Traditional Braces Work?

Close-up of colorful traditional braces on dental model

The braces process starts with a consultation. Our team will examine your teeth, learn about your goals for treatment, and answer your questions. We will also help you compare your options for paying for your braces.

If you decide to commit to braces, we will attach small metal pieces, called brackets, to your teeth. The brackets will serve to hold an archwire in place. Together, the wire and brackets will apply gentle, sustained pressure to the teeth. Over time, that pressure will shift the teeth into their proper positions. Some patients need other orthodontic appliances, such as rubber bands or headgear, to achieve optimum results. Throughout your treatment, you will visit us periodically so we can tighten your braces and monitor your progress.

Who Is a Candidate for Traditional Braces?

Happy young woman pointing at her traditional braces

Traditional braces are suitable for most people who have a degree of dental misalignment, including children, teenagers, and adults. Braces can treat most mild to severe orthodontic issues, including malocclusion (overbite, underbite, and crossbite), gapped teeth, rotated teeth, crowded teeth, and more.

Of course, traditional braces are not right for everyone. If your misalignment is very mild, instant orthodontics — for example, veneers — might be a more convenient option. You can also ask us about Invisalign® clear aligners, which are a popular alternative to traditional braces. Invisalign® can treat most cases of mild to moderate orthodontic issues for teens and adults. During your consultation, we will help you compare all of your treatment options so you can settle on the one that is best for your unique circumstances.

Benefits of Traditional Braces

Teenage boy enjoying the benefits of traditional metal braces

Some of the most noteworthy benefits of traditional braces include:

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